A landscape of complexity

Complex Environments Require Emergent Strategies

Our world is experiencing rapid and pervasive change, as well as an exponential increase in complexity. People working in every industry face the difficult challenge of uncertainty and ambiguity in fast-paced work environments. If we want to have a significant impact in our workplace and deliver great outcomes we must be prepared to handle and navigate complex environments. By leveraging continually adaptive strategies, we draw on experimentation and learning to propel us to new levels of understanding and success.

areas of focus

Engaging Challenges

iterating towards better outcomes in these areas

Leadership in Complexity

Leaders at all levels are being asked to do more with less. Our jobs and businesses are becoming increasingly complex, and our older management practices are unable to keep pace. Rapid change, volatility, difficult decisions, ambiguous direction, resistance to change, and burnout are all hallmarks of our accelerated work environments.

I work with leaders at all levels to forge new leadership practices well suited for complex environments. My approach is geared toward developing excellent leadership behaviors, mindsets and strategies, leading to great results.

Teams with Impact

Being part of a high performing and collaborative team is one of the greatest career experiences, but most of our teams rarely reach this level. Our teams are struggling with shifting priorities, complex work products, and multiple dependencies on other business units. We expect teams to take on more responsibility and function at a high level despite working remotely and being spread out across time zones.

I work with teams to build leadership from within and facilitate deeper engagement, better communication, self-organization, and pride of ownership leading to high performance.

A Life of Boundless Opportunity

For millions of years humans have reflected and wondered about our purpose in this life. In our modern world of technology and complexity it’s not always clear what impact we are having or what meaning we are creating. The disengagement we can feel at times comes from a lack of alignment between the career or life we are living and our values and purpose.

I work with individuals to explore the multitude of possibilities. Together we use experimentation and learning to uncover a path forward in life, and create more meaning in your career.

Engage and Iterate

Come work with me! I offer one-on-one sessions, leadership development trainings, half-day and full-day workshops, continuous team coaching, and individual coaching. Better yet, let’s start off with a small experiment. Reach out and start a conversation! If my style resonates with you we can push our engagement forward and iterate in whatever direction best serves you.

Ask better questions, reach better outcomes!

connect and explore


Send me an email or schedule a session for us to connect! I want to learn more about your challenges, and explore how coaching can push your personal and professional development to new heights.